Latin America

The Latin America Regional Hub will function as a bridge between regional and international activities and know-how. The ambition is to engage as many water-related organizations in the region as possible.

The Latin America Regional Hub focuses on the following areas:

  • Platforms to facilitate the implementation of innovations
  • Trend-Spotting and review of actualities and policies/laws affecting the water sector
  • Conversion of local water companies into exporters
  • On-site sanitation solutions
  • Epidemiological Surveillance through water (WBE)
  • Expansion of services in popular neighbourhoods/slums
  • Challenges of climate change, impact on water quality and availability
  • International cooperation program in areas of water stress and humanitarian crisis
  • Prevention of conflicts between countries and provinces related to water
  • Water footprint and international water trade
  • Women Who Water the World

Latin America Regional Hub Coordinator:

Gonzalo Meschengieser

Cámara Argentina del Agua (CAA)